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PPP Fair Pricing

What is PPP Fair Pricing and how does it work?

Understanding PPP Fair Pricing at MoreThanDigital

At MoreThanDigital, we believe in making our services accessible to businesses worldwide while ensuring fairness in our pricing structure. Our approach is based on the concept of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) fair pricing. Here's what that means for you:

What is PPP Fair Pricing?

PPP fair pricing is a method that adjusts prices across different countries to account for differences in purchasing power. This means that the cost of our services is tailored to reflect the economic realities of each country, making our offerings equally affordable regardless of where you're located.

Our 3 Pillars of Fair Pricing

1. Universal Access to World-Class Resources

We're committed to providing free access to high-quality tools and knowledge. Our MoreThanDigital Insights platform, for example, is available to everyone at no cost, without compromising on functionality or features.

2. Fair Pricing for Premium Services

For our premium services, we use a tiered pricing model based on business size. This ensures that:

  • Small businesses can access advanced features at affordable rates

  • Larger businesses contribute more, reflecting their greater resources and needs

  • Everyone benefits and contributes proportionally

3. Global Standards for Fair Pricing

We adhere to international fair pricing standards as outlined by This means our prices are adjusted according to each country's purchasing power, ensuring that companies worldwide pay an amount that's fair within their economic context.

How It Works in Practice

  • Free Tools: Access our basic services and resources at no cost, regardless of your location or company size.

  • Premium Services: Prices are adjusted based on:

    1. Your company's size and potential benefit from our services

    2. Your country's economic standing (using PPP data)

This approach ensures that a small business in a developing country pays a proportionally fair price compared to a large corporation in a developed economy.

Our Commitment to You

By choosing MoreThanDigital, you're not just selecting a service provider. You're partnering with an organization committed to:

  • Universal access to quality resources

  • Fair contribution based on ability

  • Respect for global economic differences

We believe this approach fosters global collaboration and empowers businesses of all sizes, everywhere. Together, we can #bethechange in creating a more equitable digital landscape.

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