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Use Employee Surveys for Better Results

Invite your colleagues and employees to take part in surveys to improve the quality of your analysis.

Surveys are a vital component of the MoreThanDigital Insights platform, enabling businesses to gather valuable feedback from employees across different levels and departments. This guide will walk you through the process of utilizing surveys effectively within your organization, ensuring comprehensive and actionable insights.

Understanding Survey Management

Key Survey Roles

  • Roles contributing to moudle results: Owner, Manager, Employee

  • Explanation: While owners and managers can view anonymous employee survey results, employees interact with the platform primarily by responding to surveys. Employees do not have access to results or the broader analytics capabilities, but they can provide important data through their responses, and this role should be used to improve the quality of Insights diagnostics by gaining diverse feedback.

Managing Survey Invitations

  • Company-Wide Surveys: Inviting employees to participate in the company overall assessment provides a holistic view of the organization's processes and culture. It captures the collective perspective of the workforce at a macro level.

  • Department-Specific Surveys: For a more focused analysis, employees can be invited to surveys specific to their department. This approach helps identify strengths and gaps at a departmental level, offering targeted insights that may differ from the broader company perspective.

  • Module-Specific Surveys: If detailed feedback on specific aspects of business operations is required, employees can be invited to respond to surveys within specific modules. This is useful for addressing particular areas of interest or concern.

Best Practices for Survey Deployment

  • Dual Invitations - Company & Department: For thorough insights, it’s advantageous to invite employees to both company-wide (Select "Company") and department-specific (Select the relevant "Department") surveys. This dual perspective can highlight discrepancies between company-wide policies and departmental execution, providing a deeper understanding of the operational effectiveness.

  • Global vs. Specialized Surveys: Decide whether to conduct broad assessments of a whole department or you want to focus on topics, depending on your current strategic goals.

Utilizing Bulk Invitations

Uploading Employee Emails

  • Template Use: MoreThanDigital Insights provides a template for uploading employee emails. This template can be accessed via the info button on the survey invitation page, ensuring that you format the list correctly.

  • Custom CSV Files: If you prefer to prepare your list, create a comma-delimited CSV file using Excel. Make sure to include only a column labeled "Email" to ensure the platform can correctly identify and import the addresses.

Steps to Upload Employee Emails

  1. Download or Prepare the CSV File: Use the provided template or create a custom comma-delimited CSV file with employee emails.

  2. Navigate to the Survey Invitation Section: Choose the departments (company assessment department-specific, or module-specific).

  3. Upload the Email List: Use the upload functionality to add your CSV file. The platform will process the emails and send out invitations to the listed addresses.


Surveys are an essential tool within MoreThanDigital Insights for capturing valuable employee feedback. By effectively managing survey invitations and utilizing the functionality to upload employee emails, you can ensure broad participation and gather rich data to inform your strategic decisions. Whether assessing the entire company, specific departments, or focused modules, the flexibility of the survey tool allows for tailored insight generation to meet your organizational needs.

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