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Publication Guidelines

Everything about the rules and requirements for article submissions

As an author on MoreThanDigital, it's important to understand and follow our publication rules. These guidelines ensure high-quality content that benefits our readers while maintaining fairness among contributors.

Key Publication Rules

  1. No direct promotional content: Articles should provide valuable information, not advertise products or services.

  2. Relevant, helpful content: Focus on topics that assist entrepreneurs, executives, and experts at all levels (beginners to advanced).

  3. Respect other authors: Do not discredit or speak negatively about other contributors.

  4. Collaborate and reference: Link to relevant MoreThanDigital articles, quote appropriately, and consider collaborating on series.

  5. Use only legal content: Ensure all images, text, and materials are properly licensed or your own original work.

  6. Create unique content: Do not reuse or republish content from other sources. All articles must be original.

  7. Minimum publishing requirement: Authors agree to publish at least 4 articles per year.

  8. Word count: Aim for 800-2000 words per article, with 1100-1500 words being ideal as . Shorter articles (minimum 700 words) are allowed only for basic term explanations or brief topics.

  9. Copyright transfer: Upon publication, copyright of the content transfers to MoreThanDigital. However, authors retain ownership and MoreThanDigital will not use the content elsewhere without permission.

  10. No cross-posting: Do not republish your MoreThanDigital articles without alternations on other platforms without prior agreement.

  11. Sharing is encouraged: You're welcome to share links to your published articles on social media and other channels, crediting MoreThanDigital.

Following these rules ensures a positive experience for both authors and readers on the MoreThanDigital platform. If you have any questions about these guidelines, please contact the MoreThanDigital team.

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