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Consultants Role & Permissions

Understanding the consultant’s special role and permissions.

As a consultant using MoreThanDigital Insights, your role is critical when it comes to guiding your clients through data analysis and strategic decision-making processes. However, to ensure the integrity of the data and maintain a productive partnership with your clients, it is important to know the specific skills and limitations of your role.

Consultant Role Capabilities

  • View results: You have full access to the results and can analyze the data across different dimensions and departments.

  • Drill down into data: You can analyze the results in detail, giving you the insights you need to offer tailored advice.

  • Generate reports: You are able to generate reports based on the data analysis, enabling clear communication and strategic planning with your clients.

  • Access historical reports: You can access your previously generated reports to ensure a consistent and informed approach over time.

Restrictions for consultants

  • Restrictions on data editing: To maintain data integrity, advisors cannot edit data within the platform. This ensures that all data changes are managed directly by the client and the accuracy and ownership of the information is maintained. If the client requires assistance, permissions can be granted.

  • Limited invitation options: Initially, you can invite business owners during the setup process. However, expanding the users of the platform, such as adding more employees or department heads, is a privilege reserved for owners who are official representatives.

Best practices for consultants

  • Work closely with your clients: Work with your clients to fully understand and utilize Insights. Encourage them to engage with the platform and make sure they are comfortable and informed.

  • Advise on using the platform: Advise your clients on setting up comprehensive surveys, assigning department heads and ensuring all modules are completed correctly. Consistent and accurate data is critical to gaining meaningful insights.

  • Maintain data consistency: Educate your clients on the importance of data consistency. Accurate and up-to-date information is key to making informed decisions. This also includes regular updates, yearly insights assessment but also creating surveys with employees to get more feedback.

Ensure a productive partnership

Your role as a consultant at MoreThanDigital Insights is designed to enhance the client's capabilities without taking away control of their data. By understanding the limitations and opportunities of your role, you can build a relationship based on trust and mutual respect, ultimately leading to more informed decisions and strategic success for your clients.

This framework ensures that companies can work confidently with external consultants while retaining full control of their data. This aligns with MoreThanDigital Insights' overarching goal of providing a secure, insightful and collaborative platform for business analytics.

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