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Coosing Topics and Departments to Analyze

How to choose the relevant topics and departments to analyze? A practical guide.

Choosing the right departments and topics to analyze on MoreThanDigital Insights is critical to gaining comprehensive insights into your company's performance and maturity. This guide will help you navigate the platform's KPI-driven modules and maturity models so you can get the most out of your Insights analysis.

Understanding Insights Modules

KPI-Driven Modules

  • Financial Numbers: These modules provide concrete, indisputable data points such as revenue, which remain consistent regardless of the respondent.

  • Advanced Numbers: These are more detailed and specific to departments, offering a granular view of your organization's operations and performance.

Maturity Models

  • Aimed at assessing the operational foundation and risk management of your organization, maturity models cover a broad spectrum of topics.

  • They include surveys to gather feedback from employees and colleagues, enhancing the diagnostic phase with diverse perspectives.

Planning Your Insights Journey

Assess Your Organization's Structure

  1. Identify Departments: Determine how many distinct departments exist within your organization and list them.

  2. List Department Managers: Compile a list of managers for each department, as they will play a key role in involving their teams.

  3. Engage Department Managers: Organize a meeting to discuss the Insights initiative, emphasizing the importance of their role in encouraging employee participation.

  4. Invite managers to Insights: Invite all managers to the respective departments to give them the rights to manage the surveys, involve employees or view relevant analytics for their department.

Maximizing Employee Feedback

  • For a well-rounded analysis, it's recommended to invite at least five colleagues from department to provide their anonymous feedback, the bigger the number the better the results will be. There is no limit on how many employees can be surveyed and you can also leverage the csv-import to invite a bigger list.

  • This approach ensures a more unbiased and comprehensive understanding of your organization's health and identify underlying challenges.

Choosing Departments and Topics

  • While Insights allows for flexibility in selecting which departments and topics to analyze, a holistic approach is advised for a complete organizational assessment.

  • Consider your business's specific needs and strategic goals when selecting modules. While focusing on certain areas may provide immediate insights, exploring a wide range of topics will offer a more complete picture of your organization's maturity and areas for improvement.

Bonus Tip: Leveraging the "Company Overall" Modules

  • For SMEs or organizations without clear departmental divisions, the "Company Overall" modules offers a global assessment without the need for department-specific analysis.

  • Inviting a minimum of five employees to participate in this survey ensures a diverse and comprehensive perspective on the company's overall health and performance. Best would be 10-20 survey participants to ensure more data-consistency. Remember: There is no invitation limit so make use of the survey functionality.

Getting Started

Before diving into Insights, take the time to strategize how you'll incorporate various departments and topics into your analysis. This preparation ensures that you fully leverage the capabilities of MoreThanDigital Insights, enabling a detailed and actionable understanding of your organization's strengths and areas for growth.

By thoughtfully selecting departments and topics and encouraging widespread employee participation, you can ensure your Insights analysis is as rich and informative as possible, paving the way for informed decision-making and strategic improvements.

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