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User Roles explained

Understand the user roles within Insights

MoreThanDigital Insights offers a variety of user roles, each of which is designed to address specific functions and responsibilities within the platform, thereby enhancing security and usability. This help article provides a detailed explanation of the different user roles available in MoreThanDigital Insights and helps you understand how to best utilize each role for effective collaboration and data management.

User Roles Overview

1. Manager

  • Access Level: High

  • Capabilities:

    • Full control over the analytics of assigned departments.

    • Can assign tasks, create surveys, and edit answers.

    • Access to invite accountants, consultants, and other managers to own departments.

    • View and generate department-specific reports and results.

    • Access peer comparison analytics for the own departments.

2. Consultant

  • Access Level: Moderate

  • Capabilities:

    • Access results and general reports but cannot edit data directly.

    • View Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Maturity scores.

    • Generate reports for analytics they have access to.

    • View comparisons among peers to provide better strategic advice.

3. Employee

  • Access Level: Limited

  • Capabilities:

    • Complete surveys and modules relevant to their department.

    • View and analyze their own results to understand personal contributions.

    • Limited to answering in an anonymized manner to ensure data privacy.

4. Controller/Accountant

  • Access Level: Specialized

  • Capabilities:

    • Access to view and edit financial numbers and KPIs.

    • Work on department or company-level financial data.

    • View reports specific to assigned KPI modules.

    • No access to respond to or view maturity models unless granted.

5. Owner

  • Access Level: Complete

  • Capabilities:

    • Full control over the Insights platform for their company.

    • Invite users of all roles and manage company profile data.

    • Access to billing information and can select custom peers for benchmarking.

    • Change peer settings

    • Invite other owners and all user roles

    • Generate and view all reports across the platform.

    • Change critical settings and manage overall company settings.

Best Practices for Role Assignment

  • Responsibilities Alignment: Assign roles based on the individual’s responsibilities within the organization to ensure they have the necessary tools to perform their duties effectively.

  • Data Security: Be mindful of the access level granted to each role, ensuring sensitive information is only accessible to authorized personnel.

  • Role Adaptability: Regularly review and adjust roles as necessary to adapt to changing organizational needs and personnel shifts.


The various roles available in MoreThanDigital Insights are structured to support a wide range of business functions, from operational management to financial oversight and strategic planning.

To get the most out of the MoreThanDigital Insights platform, it is critical to understand and effectively utilize these roles, which can greatly enhance the platform's utility and make your business analytics efforts more targeted and efficient. By assigning the right roles to the right people, you ensure that everyone in your organization can contribute positively to a good assessment.

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