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What is #bethechange?

Our community, our commitment and our vision to make an impact

More than just a social media hashtag, #bethechange is MoreThanDigital's global initiative to make the world a better place by sharing knowledge and improving the way we do things. Our mission is to connect, empower and innovate as we think differently, dream bigger and do better. Together, we create resources, knowledge, and solutions to drive change and become the world's leading platform.

A Commitment to Access for Everyone

At MoreThanDigital, we are committed to giving everyone access to knowledge and solutions that were previously only available to a select few. By making these tools and resources available to everyone, we believe we can drive positive change in the world.

We operate on a freemium model, providing free access to our resources for everyone, while those who want additional features can pay their fair share based on their abilities. This approach allows us to reach as many people as possible without restrictions and make a significant impact. It may be a harder way, but we believe it can be done differently.

Driving Change Through Collaboration

#bethechange brings together a community of experts, companies and organizations dedicated to developing more relevant and sustainable practical applications for business, science, government and society. We aim to harness technology and knowledge for the benefit of all by implementing solutions that make a difference.

We believe that change is constant, and we need your skills to drive that change. By sharing what we learn about technology, transformation, and change management freely with everyone, we are committed to driving social change and empowering individuals and organizations to make a difference.

Join the Movement

We are committed to giving everyone access to the future. Feel free to use our resources, services, or even support our mission by contributing, sharing, or participating. Together, we can build a better world through bold ideas with big impact.

Visit the #bethechange website to learn more and get involved.

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