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Understanding the Publishing Process and Timeline

Everything to know about our publication process and expected timelines

When you submit an article to MoreThanDigital, it goes through a comprehensive process to ensure quality and maximize impact. Here's what you can expect:

Initial Review (5-10 business days)

  • Our team carefully screens each article to ensure it adheres to our community guidelines.

  • We check for quality, relevance, and consistency with our standards.

Optimization Once an article passes the initial review, we:

  • Format the content for optimal readability

  • Optimize for SEO

  • Enhance the article's visual appeal


After optimization, we publish your article on MoreThanDigital.


We spread your article across:

  • Our partner networks

  • Various communities

  • Social media profiles


Initially, we translate the article into English and/or German to reach a broader audience.

Extended Translation (for high-performing content)

If an article shows strong engagement and impact, we may translate it into additional languages available on MoreThanDigital.

This step helps create a global impact for particularly valuable content.

Key Points to Remember

  • The initial review takes 5-10 business days.

  • Be patient during this process; thorough review and optimization are crucial for quality.

  • Your article may reach audiences worldwide through our translation efforts.

  • Successful articles have the potential for broader language distribution.

By following our guidelines and creating high-quality content, you increase the chances of your article being published quickly and potentially reaching a global audience through multiple translations.

If you have any questions about the status of your submission, feel free to reach out to the MoreThanDigital team. We appreciate your contributions and look forward to sharing your expertise with our community!

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