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What Can I Do When I got Restricted/Banned?

Understand what you can do when you got restricted.

If you find that your account on MoreThanDigital has been restricted, don't worry. Here are some steps you can take to resolve the issue:

1. Reach Out to Customer Support

The most effective way to address a restriction is to contact our customer support team directly. Our team is here to help you understand the reasons behind the restriction and guide you through the steps to reinstate your account. You can reach out to us through the contact information provided on our website.

2. Check Your Email

After a restriction, we often send out an email detailing the reasons for the action and what you can do to resolve it. These emails may also include specific questions or requests for information to verify the authenticity of your account or company details. Promptly responding to these inquiries is crucial for a swift resolution.

Check your Spam-Folder: Important communications from MoreThanDigital, including instructions for reinstating your account, may sometimes land in your spam or junk email folder.

3. Answer Our Calls

In some cases, we may attempt to contact you directly via phone to discuss your account's restriction. Answering these calls and engaging in a constructive dialogue with our team can expedite the process of lifting the restriction.

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