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How to Avoid Restrictions or Account-Bans

Understand how you can avoid being blocked or restricted on the Insights platform

At MoreThanDigital, we're committed to providing a sophisticated financial tool that empowers companies worldwide to make data-driven decisions. Our #bethechange commitment drives us to offer this invaluable resource to businesses of all sizes, ensuring access to high-quality data analytics. However, maintaining the integrity and quality of the data on our platform is paramount. To prevent the creation of fake profiles and the submission of fraudulent company data, we have strict policies in place regarding account restrictions and bans.

To help you navigate our platform without facing any interruptions to your service, here are some guidelines on how to keep your personal and company accounts in good standing:

1. Complete Your Personal Profile

Filling out your personal account information thoroughly is crucial. Adding one or two career steps not only enriches your profile but also aids us in verifying the authenticity of your account. A well-documented career history helps us ensure that our community remains genuine and trustworthy.

2. Accurate Company Information

When registering your company, it's vital that all provided information is accurate and consistent. Ensure that the domain name, company IDs, addresses, and other pertinent details are correctly entered and match official records. Discrepancies or incomplete information can trigger our system to flag or restrict your account. Our goal is to prevent misuse and ensure that all listed companies are legitimate entities.

3. Adhere to Our Usage Policy

Our usage policies and terms of use, available at, outline the rights and responsibilities associated with using our platform. It's essential to familiarize yourself with these terms to understand the framework within which we operate, including our right to audit company data to ensure that the entered data is correct. Ensuring the accuracy of submitted information is key to maintaining an active and unrestricted account.

4. Diligence in Module Completion

Taking the time to accurately complete each module, especially the "Company Basics" module, is critical. This initial module is central to our screening process, and entering fabricated data will lead to swift account suspension or banning. Our system is designed to detect irregularities and ensure that all user and company profiles meet our high standards of data integrity.

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